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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Business and Personnel Economics

"Stepping up – Intergenerational Mobility and Identifying New Pools of Talent" - Event on 22.9.2022

How can young talents from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds be reached? And what does it take to successfully enter the job market, what role does Vocational Education and Training (VET) play? These and other questions will be discussed at a high-level panel on September 22, 2022 with Prof. Dr. h.c. Eric P. Bettinger, PhD, this year's honorary doctor of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics of the University of Zurich, and other experts. Register now!

What is needed for a successful step into the labor market? How do educational programs need to change? How can young people be reached who haven’t planned educational careers? How can new pools of talent be attracted? With his great creativity and his rigorous statistical methods Prof. Bettinger identifies cause-and-effect relationships in education and evaluates programs and pilots in the USA and in developing and industrialized countries across the globe. On the occasion of his honorary doctorate, he comes from Stanford University to the University of Zurich to present findings of his longstanding research in this area and to discuss them with outstanding personalities from different fields (see panelists).

Prof. Bettinger, Professor at Stanford University (USA) and Advisory Board Member of the Leading House VPET-ECON was awarded an honorary doctorate of the University of Zurich on Dies Academicus 2022. It thus appreciates his great contributions to the methodological and substantive development of the economics of education and his significant contributions to evidence-based education policy in both industrialized and developing countries.

To celebrate the honorary doctorate, the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics will host an event with a panel in the Aula of the University of Zurich on Thursday, September 22, 2022, 04.30 p.m.


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