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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Business and Personnel Economics

Course on Education Systems at ETH (eligible for credit transfer to UZH)

This fall semester, ETH Zurich offers the new course "Youth Labor Market Outcomes, Institutions and Governance of Vocational Education and Training Systems". The course is eligible for credit transfer to UZH (M: Minor area: Managing Education MEDU).

Lecturer: Dr. Ursula Renold, ETH Zurich, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Research Division Education Systems

Course description: Finding and retaining talent for companies is becoming increasingly important nowadays. While Switzerland has a comparatively efficient labor-market-oriented education system, other countries find it more challenging to develop the skills needed by the Labor market. We will consider contributions of economics and other social sciences to understanding outcomes of education and training systems.

Place & Time: The lecture is offered as a block course from October 28 - November 1, 2019.

Course Number: 363-1107-00 G

Course Catalogue:
