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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Business and Personnel Economics

Prof. Backes-Gellner participates in the “Day of the Economy 2017” (Tag der Wirtschaft) organized by economiesuisse

The main topic of the annual meeting of economicesuisse was “Digital sustainability of Switzerland”. Prof. Backes-Gellner participated in a panel discussion on the role of human resources and the education and training system for digitalization in Switzerland. The discussion together with Doris Bianchi (Swiss Federation of Trade Unions), Jean-Pascal Bobst (CEO Bobst) und Fathi Derder (National Council FDP) was moderated by Benoît-Godet (Rédacteur en chef du Temps).  

Prof. Uschi Backes-Gellner. Retrieved from

A NZZ newspaper article on the event is available here.

More information on the event is available here​.
