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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm

Co-organization of the Purposeful Work Symposium by Laura Fey, Stella Kyratzi, Venus Sharma and Bennet Schwoon, May 18th, 2022, Edinburgh, UK

How do intentional efforts of climate activists or pro-democratic movements shift our beliefs and behavior’s towards grand societal challenges such as climate change or the Covid-19 pandemic?

In this purposeful work symposium (PSW) Bennet Schwoon and his colleagues brought together young scholars who research in the area of purposeful work and offered them a forum to discuss their research and develop new ideas through discussion with their peers.

During the Symposium Professor Tom Lawrence (University of Oxford) and Professor Nelson Phillips (University of California) gave insightful talks to participants. At the same time, together with Professor John Amis and Dr Andrea Wessendorf (University of Edinburgh), they provided feedback to all submitted papers.

Please visit for further information the blog post of the University of Edinburgh Business School.
