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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm

Anselm Schneider and Andreas Georg Scherer, paper accepted for presentation at the 28th EGOS Colloquium 2012, Helsinki (Finland), July 5–7, 2012.

Anselm Schneider and Andreas Georg Scherer, “Corporate responsibility and the rise and decline of the modern welfare-state – A diachronic account”, paper accepted for presentation in Sub-theme 19: (Re-) Designing and Broadening the Study of Mobility, Movement and Migration (Convenors: Stephen McKenna, Mayasandra-Nagaraja Ravishankar, David Weir ), 28th EGOS Colloquium 2012, Helsinki (Finland), July 5–7, 2012.


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