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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Foundations of Business Administration and Theories of the Firm

IOU Working Paper Series: Six New Entries of our Chair in November 2010.

Scherer, A. G., Butz, A., Business Ethics and CSR in Business Administration Sub-Disciplines: An Introduction [Unternehmensethik Und CSR in Betriebswirtschaftlichen Teildisziplinen: Eine Einführung], Die Unternehmung, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 363-390, 2010, IOU Working Paper No. 116, November 2010.

Haack, P., Schoeneborn, D., Wickert, C., Exploring the Constitutive Conditions for a Self-Energizing Effect of CSR Standards: The Case of the "Equator Principles", IOU Working Paper No. 115, November 2010.

Baumann, D., Scherer, A. G., MNEs and the UN Global Compact: An Empirical Analysis of the Organizational Implementation of Corporate Citizenship, IOU Working Paper No. 114, November 2010.

Patzer, M., Voegtlin, C., Leadership Ethics and Organizational Change: Sketching the Field. In: Ethical leadership: Enabling Sustainable Change & Continuous Improvement, Burnes, B. / By, R. T. (Eds.), Routledge, in preparation, IOU Working Paper No. 113, November 2010.

Heugens, P., Scherer, A. G., When Organization Theory Met Business Ethics: Towards Further Symbiose, IOU Working Paper No. 112, November 2010.

Jarzabkowski, P., Mohrman, S. A., Scherer, A. G., Organization Studies as Applied Science: The Generation and Use of Academic Knowledge About Organizations - Introduction to the Special Issue, IOU Working Paper No. 111, November 2010.


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