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Professional Background
I have studied business administration and economics at the University of Zurich (MA, BA). Throughout my studies, I have worked in a variety of industries and positions, including a six-month internship in managerial controlling. Additionally, I had the opportunity to study abroad for a semester at Tsinghua University in Beijing.
Research Interests
I’m interested in supply chain management, the process of innovation creation, and entrepreneurship. In my master’s thesis, I investigate the collaboration between large, established companies and innovative, high-tech–oriented startup suppliers in the context of the Swiss automotive industry. It’s fascinating to witness the changes and dynamics currently taking place in the automotive sector and to discover new patterns in the interactions between these two types of organizations.
I was born in the middle of Switzerland and have since lived in various places. To me, Zurich is an amazing city to study and work in, boasting a unique mix of internationality and tradition at the same time. In the winter, I enjoy snowboarding, and year-round, I play badminton with a passion.