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Department of Business Administration Professorship for Mobility & Digital Innovation Management

Benjamin Jack Hoffman, Research Assistant

Benjamin Jack Hoffman

  • Research Assistant

Professional Background
After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), I am currently pursuing an MSc in Robotics, Systems and Control. My work experiences in both industry and consulting have allowed me to gather expertise in the fields of engineering and data science. Additionally, spending a semester abroad at Lund University in Sweden has broadened my academic horizons and provided me with valuable international experience.


Research Interest
With a strong affinity for data science and diverse interests, I am interested in exploring the convergence of engineering, economics, and policy. My current role at swiss CAR allows me to focus on this intersection. Meanwhile, my research experience at ETH centers on more engineering and mathematics specific applications, such as machine learning and state modeling.


Albeit being born in the United States, I completed my education here in Switzerland. Apart from my academic and professional involvement, I love spending my time outdoors, on the tennis court, in the mountains, or with friends and family. Additionally, I am actively involved in an NGO that provides free legal support and serve an advisory body of my municipality, focusing on issues related to nature and environmental conservation.