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Department of Business Administration Chair of Organization and Management

Dr. Theresa Langenmayr

Senior Research Associate


Office: Room J-419


Since 2024 Senior Research Associate/Postdoc, Prof. David Seidl, Chair of Organization & Management, University of Zurich


Research Associate/Phd Student, Prof. David Seidl, Chair of Organization & Management, University of Zurich

2020 Academic Visitor at Bayes Business School, City, University of London, Prof. Paula Jarzabkowski (funded by SNF)


Junior Professional Officer,  World Health Organization


Strategy Specialist, BMW Group


Master of Arts in Business Administration, University of Zurich


Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Management and Economics, Zeppelin University

Research Interests

  • Open Strategy
  • Inter-organizational Collaboration
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Discourse theory
  • Sensemaking theory


Langenmayr, T., Splitter, V., Tienari, J., Vesa, M., (forthcoming). Moving from the Business Case towards an Equity-Based Approach: Theorizing Diversity and Inclusion in Open Strategy, Organization Theory.

Langenmayr, T., Seidl, D., Splitter, V. (2024). Interdiscursive Struggles: Managing the Co-existence of the Conventional and Open Strategy Discourse, Strategic Management Journal.

Langenmayr, T. (2024). Kollaborationsstrategien für die Nachhaltigkeit gestalten. öbu- Der Verband für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften Newsblog

Langenmayr, T., Seidl, D., Jarzabkowski, P. (2023). Participatory Strategizing as Dual Sensemaking Process, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings (Best Paper), Boston.

Langenmayr, T. (2023). Mehr Kollaboration für die Nachhaltigkeit. öbu- Der Verband für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften Newsblog

Langenmayr, T., Seidl, D., Splitter, V. (2021). Introducing Open Strategy: Dealing with clashes between the traditional and open-strategy discourse, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings (Abstract), Virtual.

Gebauer, T., Seidl, D. (2019).Participation in Strategy Formulation: A Review and Framework from a Sensemaking Perspective, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings (Abstract), Boston.

Langenmayr, T (2019). Implementation of Strategic Change by Franchisees: A Sensemaking Perspective. Junior Management Science, 4(2), 173-194.

Langenmayr, T. & Splitter, V. (2019). Open Strategy at AXA UK & Ireland - a new approach to strategy making. AXA Guestblog.


2023: Nominated for the Best Paper Award of the Interest Group «Strategy as Practice» at the Academy of Management (AOM) Conference, Boston («Participatory Strategizing as Dual Sensemaking Process» with David Seidl and Paula Jarzabkowski)

2021: Nominated for the Best Conference Paper Prize Award of the Strategic Management Society (SMS) Conference, Virtual («Participatory Strategizing as Dual Sensemaking Process» with David Seidl and Paula Jarzabkowski)

2020: Best PhD Conference Paper Prize Award of the Interest Group «Strategy Practice» at the Strategic Management Society (SMS) Conference, Virtual («Participation in Strategy Making between Stage and Reality» with Violetta Splitter and David Seidl)

Roles and Membership in Academic Associations

Since 2024: Associate Program Chair at the Strategic Management Society Strategy Practice Interest Group

2021-2023: Representative at Large at the Strategic Management Society Strategy Practice Interest Group

2018-2023: Member of the international network on "Digital strategizing" (funded by the German Research Council)

Since 2021: Co-lead of the female Peer Mentoring group Career Elixier (funded by the Graduate Campus of the University of Zurich)

Since 2019: Member of the European Group for Organizational Studies

Since 2019: Member of the Academy of Management

Externally Funded Research Projects

"Open Strategy – Implications for organizational power structures", funded by the Doc. Mobility Grant of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)

"Sensemaking in Open Strategy", funded by the Candoc Grant of the University of Zurich


  • I completed the Teaching skills program at the University of Zurich
  • Introduction to qualitative research methods (seminar, Bachelor level, University of Zurich)
  • Organisationsberatung (seminar, Master level, University of Zurich)
  • BWL II (lecture and tutorial, Bachelor level, University of Zurich)
  • Organization Theory (lecture, master level, University of Zurich)