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Department of Business Administration Chair of Organization and Management

Professor David Seidl and Team



“Simply pushing harder within the old boundaries will not do.”
(Karl Weick)
The Chair of Organization & Management is part of the Department of Business Administration at the University of Zurich. In our research and teaching we are concerned with different aspects of organization and management, which we examine using different theoretical and methodological approaches. More specifically, in our research we address questions concerning the practice of strategy, top management team dynamics, routine dynamics, organizational spaces and the relation between management research and practice. In our teaching we cover a wide range of topics such as organization theory, organization design, change management and strategy as practice. We are fully committed to excellence and responsibility across the entire range of our activities.


July 11th, 2024: David in Innsbruck

Just a few days ago, David Seidl and Andreas König were welcomed in Innsbruck to discuss their latest research project alongside Kristina Stoiber. The engaging conversations revolved around Open Strategy and Upper Echelons, providing both insightful and enjoyable exchanges. Thank you, Julia Hautz, for the invitation to the University of Innsbruck’s Faculty of Business and Management and making this enriching experience possible.

July 5th, 2024: EGOS Colloquium 2024 in Milan

From Tuesday until today, our entire Chair and the extended Chair Family, including David Seidl, Tania Räcker, Theresa Langenmayr, Benjamin Grossmann-Hensel, Robin Engelbach, Yalan Yang, Violetta Splitter, Shenghui Ma, Peter Smith, and Christoph Brielmaier attended and contributed to the EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) Colloquium 2024 in Milan, Italy.

On Wednesday, Robin and Christoph convened the Strategy-as-Practice Community Day on “Practicing Strategy at the Crossroads” featuring Tania as panelist and Violetta as roundtable host.

From Thursday onward, Theresa, Violetta, and Janne Tienari convened Sub-theme 36 on “Diversity and Inclusion in Strategizing: Integrating TMT and Participation Research”. The Sub-theme was dedicated to bringing together scholars who conduct research on more diverse and inclusive forms of strategizing, such as Open Strategy or Top Management Teams research. The program aimed to bridge the gap between both fields, encouraging scholars to exchange different perspectives, stimulate integrative insights, and jointly discuss avenues for future research. As part of the sub-theme, David and Robin each presented their latest paper ideas on a holistic framework for advancing Open Strategy research and Inclusion-as-Practice in Open Strategy processes respectively.

It was a great pleasure to see so many colleagues and friends in the community again and to enjoy the Italian food, drinks, and hospitality. We are already looking forward to the next EGOS Colloquium 2025 in Athens (GR), hosting the very special new anniversary Standing Working Group on “Organizing as Practice: Advancing Novel Practice-Theoretical Insights in Organization Studies” (2025–2028). We will also celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the Strategy-as-Practice Community Day with a very special event and panel on July 2, 2025.

We look forward to seeing you there!

July 4th, 2024: SAP Community Day 2024

Today, our chair successfully co-organized the Strategy-as-Practice Community Day 2024 on “Practicing Strategy at the Crossroads: Navigating Transformation Through time, space, and people” at EGOS2024.

Grand societal shifts and challenges place organizations at crucial crossroads. For instance, the boundaries between the digital and physical as well as the professional and personal world become increasingly blurred.

For Part 1 of the Community Day our esteemed panelists brought diverse perspectives to the theme:

• Charlotte Cloutier emphasized the relevance of the praxis of practice
• Martin Friesl emphasized strategic choices at crossroads
• Omid Omidvar highlighted the role of algorithms
• Eero Vaara explored the future of strategy-as-discourse
• Tania Räcker focused on the significance of space in practice research

After the subsequent Special Issue presentation and a coffee break, the program featured interactive roundtable sessions with leading SAP scholars such as Blagoy Blagoev, Gary Burke, Katharina Cepa, Leonhard Dobusch, Stefanie Habersang, Renate Kratochvil, Davide Nicolini, Sotirios Paroutis, Igor Pyrko, Birgit Renzl, Violetta Splitter, and Basak Yakis-Douglas.

We concluded the day with networking opportunities, fostering connections and collaborations for future projects.

We are already looking forward to next year’s celebration sub-theme and the 10th SAP Community Day on July 2, 2025, at EGOS in Athens. A big thank you to all our facilitators, sponsors, and the organizers Robin Engelbach, Christoph Brielmaier, Annabelle Mueller, Rebecca L., and Christian Bruck for making this event a success.

July 2nd, 2024: Open Strategy Workshop

Just now, we wrapped up the inspiring first Oxford & Zurich Open Strategy Workshop, hosted by David Seidl and Richard Whittington. The event brought together a diverse group of scholars and practitioners to explore the dynamic field of Open Strategy.

Over the past two days, participants engaged in deep discussions about various facets of inclusive and transparent strategy-making processes. The workshop featured insightful panels, lively poster sessions, and valuable practitioner perspectives.

Starting with an informal pre-conference dinner on Sunday, the official program began with a welcome lunch and an opening session led by David Seidl and Richard Whittington. This was followed by an expert panel featuring Leonhard Dobusch, Julia Hautz, Basak Yakis-Douglas, Alex Wilson, and Fleur Deken, who provided a comprehensive overview of current research, setting a strong foundation for the workshop.

Monday afternoon included a vibrant Poster Session, where we delved into themes such as integrative frameworks, meaning creation, and novel contexts in open strategizing. The day concluded with a Practitioner Panel chaired by Paula Jarzabkowski, featuring experts from 20 Minuten (Felix Langenmayr & Annina Flückiger) and Innovative Management Partner IMP (Prof. Dr. Stephan Friedrich von den Eichen) who diligently reflected on their experiences with Open Strategy projects in praxis. We wrapped up the day with a cozy conference dinner at the traditional Zunfthaus zur Zimmerleuten, located in the heart of Zurich’s old town.

Today’s opening session prompted more critical views on Open Strategy, with contributions from Paula Jarzabkowski, Eero Vaara, Martin Friesl, and Tomi Laamanen, chaired by Violetta Splitter. Today’s poster session showcased great ideas and research projects at different stages, focusing on dilemmas, tensions, and experiences of Open Strategy. The workshop concluded with a technology-enabled synthesis of insights and a forward-looking agenda that included the entire audience, both present and online. The expert panel, chaired by Richard Whittington, featured Peter Smith, Sotirios Paroutis, Violetta Splitter, and Winky Wu.

We would like to thank all panelists, facilitators, and participants for their invaluable contributions! It was a highly inspiring event!

We look forward to continuing the workshop as a series, with the next Open Strategy Workshop in Oxford on June 25-26, 2025. Pre-registration is also possible now here

June 15th, 2024: Summer Magic Mountain

This week, our annual Summer Magic Mountain took place at a beautiful monastery in Stans (NE). The location provided a very cozy atmosphere and offered a great view of the Bürgenstock, where the international Peace Conference will be held in about two weeks.

During the offsite, we combined workshops and creative sessions with a cable car trip to the top of the Stanserhorn and a hike. Over these last three days, we agilely reviewed our objectives, continued improving the sustainability ambitions of the chair and in our teaching, planned our upcoming events like the Oxford & Zurich Open Strategy Workshop, creatively engaged in redeveloping our website, discussed our ongoing research projects and future ideas, and much more.

We all had a wonderful time in Stans, enjoying the outdoor activities, the local food, and the stunning Swiss mountain scenery.

We are already looking forward to our next Magic Mountain!

June 13th, 2024: Guest Lecture by Fabienne Sigg

In the penultimate session of our course "Organization Theories“, we had the great pleasure to welcome Fabienne Sigg, Programme Manager at UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein, to our lecture hall at the University of Zurich.

In this first-ever and extremely inspiring guest lecture, Fabienne compellingly connected the content of the module "Partial Organization“ to her own work, providing rich insights from her long-term experience with the UN Global Compact Network.

We extend our warmest gratitude to Fabienne for joining our lecture and for illustrating so vividly the topic of our lecture with the broad-ranging organizing activities of the UN Global Compact Network.

June 11th, 2024: A visit from Prof. David Nicolini

It was an honor to host Professor Davide Nicolini from University of Warwick - Warwick Business School at our Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series here at the University of Zurich.

Over the last four days, Davide led our engaging and insightful seminar titled “How a Practice-theoretical Perspective Makes a Difference.” During this time, international PhD and post-doctoral students explored the origins, characteristics, and unique contributions of practice theory in organizational studies. We delved into the works of foundational scholars like Bourdieu, Giddens, and Schatzki, examining how these perspectives can be applied to real-world phenomena such as knowledge, collaboration, and technological innovation.

The interactive sessions, which included many student presentations, lively discussions of key texts, and expert interviews, allowed participants to deeply engage with the material and consider its practical implications for their own research. Davide’s expertise and passion for the subject were truly inspiring, providing everyone with a deeper understanding of how adopting a practice-theoretical orientation can transform research in management and organization studies.

We are very grateful to Davide for sharing his profound insights and fostering such a rich learning environment. We look forward to continuing these important conversations and applying what we have learned to our future research endeavors.

Thank you, Davide, for an exceptional seminar! We look forward to seeing you again soon at the EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) conference in Milan.

May 23rd, 2024: Guest Lecture by Dr. Patrick Radenmacher

Last week we had the great pleasure to welcome Dr. Patrick Rademacher, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer at Ringier AG in our lecture on Organization & Management.

In his presentation, he explained the impressive transformation of Ringier to a multimedia company over the last two decades and discussed two more recent developments: the launch of the Swiss digital alliance OneLog and the introduction of Group-wide guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence (see more here).

We thank Dr. Rademacher for this insightful and very engaging presentations!

May 6th, 2024: Strategic Management Society Explorer

Have you seen Violetta Splitter's, David Seidl's, and Richard Whittington's contribution to The Strategic Management Society Explorer already? It is called "Cultivating Inclusion: The Road To Effective Open Strategy In Modern Organizations."

If not, make sure to dive into this short distillation or even the full open-access paper over the Pentecost weekend.

It is based on their paper titled: "Getting heard? How employees learn to gain senior management attention in inclusive strategy processes"

Link to the paper

Abstract: Recent trends toward inclusive strategy processes raise the issue of how employees acquire the discursive competence necessary to gain senior management attention. Building on the emergent dynamic attention-based view's (DABV) emphasis on communicative interaction, we ethnographically track an inclusive strategy process in a large insurance company. We find that employees typically failed to gain CEO attention because they lacked the discursive competence to integrate their operational knowledge with the CEO's corporate themes. Employees acquired this competence by both experiential and vicarious learning. The CEO promoted employee learning more effectively by specific coaching than by generic coaching. We contribute primarily to the DABV by showing how interactions are sites for learning as well as communications and that communication channels can be both expandable and transparent.

April 25th, 2024: Kick-Off BWL II

Just moments ago, we kicked-off the first session of the "Betriebswirtschaftslehre II" (business administration II) lecture and are excited to welcome all students to the "Organization" part presented by David Seidl.

Over the course of five weeks, we will delve into the essentials of organizational terminology and responsibilities, explore the mechanisms of organizational differentiation and integration, and impart core knowledge on organizational culture and change.

Our interactive sessions are set to engage the about 1,000 students with dynamic presentations, real-world examples, and numerous interactive opportunities, including live voting. Additionally, our "Challenge the Prof" online game offers students the chance to compete directly with Prof. Seidl for exciting weekly prizes.

April 24th, 2024: Congratulations Zoe!

We are very proud to announce that our colleague, Dr. Zoe Jonassen, received a call from the University of St.Gallen (HSG) to join the School of Management and School of Medicine as an assistant professor.

Zoe has not only been a great inspiration but also a key contributor to our academic excellence. While we are delighted for her new opportunity, we also feel a bit of sadness that she will start this new chapter in her career this August.

Before joining the Chair, Zoe has been a postdoctoral fellow at NYU Stern School of Business and completed her PhD at ETH Zürich with Georg von Krogh.

During her time at NYU, she worked closely with Batia Wiesenfeld and Kate Kellogg on studying the role of negative emotions on team coordination around algorithmic tools and on strategies to foster health equity through remote patient monitoring together with the HiBRID Lab at NYU School of Medicine led by Devin Mann.

Zoe’s research interests evolve around emotions, teams, and technologies. She is passionate about supporting healthcare organizations to design and implement emerging technologies so that they increase well-being of workers and equity across users.

It has been an absolute pleasure to work and co-teach with Zoe for the past two years, especially in our qualitative methods seminar, and to have her as an inspiring member of our team. Please join us in congratulating Zoe on her well-deserved success and in wishing her the best in her future endeavors!

April 22th, 2024: Exchange at European-University Viadrina

Earlier this week, we engaged in a stimulating academic and personal exchange in Frankfurt (Oder) with Jochen Koch's Chair of Management and Organization at European-University Viadrina.


Upon arriving on Monday morning under sunny skies, we were welcomed into the "Reflectory", a beautifully creative space at the university. Over light refreshments, we had the opportunity to catch up on the latest news and get to know the university. The day was packed with insightful presentations and vibrant discussions on topics like inclusion in Open Strategy, threats to entrepreneurial opportunities, coordination through space, and the societal impacts of Facebook. These sessions were interspersed with short breaks, fostering further dialogue. Our day concluded with a joint dinner in Poland, followed by a joint stay at a local hotel.

Tuesday’s agenda continued with more enriching discussions on topics such as the degeneration of communicative culture, opening ethnography, boundary-spanning teams, and linking macro phenomena to micro-strategizing. During lunch, we listened to AI-composed Strategy-as-Practice songs and viewed videos about the creation of the Reflectory, featuring music by Jochen himself.

It was a fantastic opportunity to share our research and explore future collaborations. We extend our big "Thank you" to Jochen Koch, Lorenzo Skade, Elisa Lehrer, and Miriam Büxenstein for their exceptional organization and hospitality. The insights and inspiration we gained from our time at Viadrina are invaluable. We already keenly anticipate the next Chair meeting and wish everyone all the best with their ongoing research.

April 5th, 2024: SAP Community Day 2024

Call for Applications: Strategy-as-Practice Community Day 2024 on "Practicing Strategy at the Crossroads: Navigating Transformation Through time, space and people" at EGOS2024


Meet the SAP community again in person on July 3rd, prior to the main EGOS colloquium in Milan for interactive sessions and workshops to catch up with recent conversations in the SAP field and to develop your own work with leading SAP scholars.

Apply until April 30th at (as part of the registration process for the colloquium).
You can find further information on the event here ( or by reaching out to Christoph Brielmaier, Christian Bruck, Robin Engelbach, Rebecca Lu, or Annabelle Mueller.

Our esteemed panelists and facilitators this year include:
Blagoy Blagoev, Gary Burke, Katharina Cepa, Charlotte Cloutier, Leonhard Dobusch, Martin Friesl, Stefanie Habersang, Claus D. Jacobs, Renate Kratochvil, Davide Nicolini, Omid Omidvar, Sotirios Paroutis, Igor Pyrko, Tania Räcker, Birgit Renzl, Violetta Splitter, Eero Vaara, and Basak Yakis-Douglas.

See you soon 

March 28th, 2024: Guest Lecture by Felix Langenmayr

Just before Easter we had the great pleasure to welcome Dr. Felix Langenmayr, Head of Business Transformation at 20 Minuten Group, to our Lecture «Organisation und Führung» (“Organization and Leadership”) at the University of Zurich.


After a short introduction and company presentation, Felix provided the more than 200 students with practical insights on the professionalization of management and organization. In particular, Felix shared how TX Group AG deals with market challenges by engaging in continuous business transformation efforts that allow the organization to stay on top of the complex business environment. Providing insights from his longtime experience with business transformation at TX Group, Felix explained how different types of consulting can help in such transformation processes.

With his presentation, Felix provided students with first-hand insights on the professionalization of organizational transformation, highlighting the role of in-house, hybrid, and external consulting in this regard.

We thank Felix, who is a Chair alum and will always be part of our dear Chair family, for joining our lecture and for illustrating so vividly the content of the second module of the course with his experience as consultant and business transformation expert.


March 27th, 2024: Second Publication in SMJ

It is fantastic news that within just one week another article by our (former) chair members Violetta Splitter's and David Seidl's, in collaboration with Richard Whittington, has been published in the Strategic Management Journal. Make sure to dive into this open access article during the Easter holidays!

Title: "Getting heard? How employees learn to gain senior management attention in inclusive strategy processes"



Abstract: Recent trends toward inclusive strategy processes raise the issue of how employees acquire the discursive competence necessary to gain senior management attention. Building on the emergent dynamic attention-based view's (DABV) emphasis on communicative interaction, we ethnographically track an inclusive strategy process in a large insurance company. We find that employees typically failed to gain CEO attention because they lacked the discursive competence to integrate their operational knowledge with the CEO's corporate themes. Employees acquired this competence by both experiential and vicarious learning. The CEO promoted employee learning more effectively by specific coaching than by generic coaching. We contribute primarily to the DABV by showing how interactions are sites for learning as well as communications and that communication channels can be both expandable and transparent.

Link to Study:


March 19th, 2024: Publication Strategic Management Journal

Exciting news! Theresa Langenmayr’s, David Seidl’s, and Violetta Splitter’s latest academic article has been published in the Strategic Management Journal!  Check out the details below:

Title: "Interdiscursive struggles: Managing the co-existence of the conventional and open strategy discourse"


 Abstract: “Open strategy” is a new macro discourse on strategy that differs fundamentally from the conventional strategy discourse. In this paper, we examine how actors deal with the co-existence of the two discourses, given their conflicting nature. For this purpose, we draw on a longitudinal, in-depth case study of an international finance firm that introduced open strategy alongside the conventional strategy discourse that had shaped their strategy work in the past. We find that strategy actors deal with interdiscursive tensions by enacting meta-discursive practices that regulate the mobilization of the two strategy discourses. Furthermore, we identify power as an important driver and necessary resource in enacting these practices. With these findings, we contribute to the open strategy literature and the literature on organization and strategy discourse.

Link to Study:

February 19th, 2024: Semester Start

Welcome back from your holidays to FS24! We hope you all had a great start to the new year.



We are looking forward to a fresh start on campus and to seeing many of you in our seminar Qualitative Forschungsmethoden and our lectures BWL II and Organisation und Führung (undergraduate level) as well as in Organization Theories (master level).
If you are interested in writing your thesis at our chair, please register for the information event on March 27th, 2024 (15-16h) by sending an email to Kalliopi Vagias.
On May 27-30, 2024, we offer a Distinguished Scholars Seminar with Davide Nicolini (University of Warwick - Warwick Business School, UK) on „Current Topics in OT and Strategy – Practice Theory“. 

February 19th, 2024: Welcome Zoe

Just in time for the new year, our new postdoc arrived at the chair: Dr. Zoe Jonassen.

In the past two years, Zoe was a postdoctoral fellow at NYU Stern School of Business. During her time in New York, Zoe worked closely with Batia Wiesenfeld and Kate Kellogg on studying the role of collective frustration and anxiety on team coordination around algorithmic tools and on strategies to foster health equity through remote patient monitoring together with the HiBRID Lab at NYU School of Medicine led by Devin Mann.

Zoe’s research interests evolve around emotions, teams and novel technologies. She currently works on her Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF return grant project: „Augmenting versus hindering? The role of emotions for collective human-AI decision-making“.

We look forward to new inspiration through Zoe and her research and hope that she will have an equally inspiring and productive time at our chair. Welcome, Zoe! It is a pleasure to have you here! 

January 25th, 2024: Goodbye Christoph

Today was Christoph Brielmaier’s last day at our office. For the past four months, Christoph, originally from the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, has visited our Chair as researcher in residence.

Dear Christoph, thank you for your visit! It was a great pleasure having you here and we look forward to continuing working with you and seeing you again in person for our OpenStrategy Workshop in June. Meanwhile we wish you all the best for your exciting research projects!


January 23rd, 2024: Winter Magic Mountain Offsite

Last weekend, we held our cherished annual Winter Magic Mountain offsite, this year set against the picturesque backdrop of Meiringen.

Throughout the offsite, we blended interactive workshops and social activities. In the mornings and evenings we dedicated time to reflect on our recent and future teaching activities or finalized the Chair’s vision and mission for 2033. We further engaged in enriching dialogues about inviting future guest speakers, and organized our community engagement. Additionally, we delved into proactive discussions for example about opportunities and challenges in research and teaching, with a keen focus on AI.

During the day we had a lot of fun and created unforgettable memories, whether skiing down the slopes, hiking through breathtaking landscapes, sharing meals on the mountainside, or cooking and enjoying self-made pasta during cozy evenings with the Extended Chair Family.

It was a very enjoyable, productive and fun weekend. Eagerly anticipating, we already look forward to reconvening for our next Magic Mountain in the summer. 


January 18th, 2024: Time to celebrate!

What an eventful day at the office yesterday! Not only did we successfully conduct our Change Management exam, but we also had the pleasure of welcoming back our esteemed former chair member, Shenghui Ma for a visit. The day continued with a meeting with the Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. team, giving us great insight into their recent Open Strategy project. Additionally, we seized the opportunity to re-celebrate David's birthday, spreading extra cheer. Ultimately, we finalized our arrangements for our Magic Mountain offsite in Meiringen starting this afternoon. 

Here's to many more days filled with learning, celebration, and team spirit!


December 27th, 2023: Thank you Tania!

As the year draws to a close, we would like to thank Tania Räcker for her three-year term as Membership Chair of the Strategizing Activities and Practices (SAP) Interest Group at the Academy of Management.

During her term, and together with the hard-working Membership Committee, Tania was able to:
- Enhance SAP conference engagement
- Expand year-round member engagement
- Strengthen inclusion and diversity in the IG
- Increase IG visibility
- Foster the SAP brand

We are grateful and proud that Tania represented our team in this role at the vibrant SAP@AOM community and are excited that Benjamin Grossmann-Hensel now continues as Chair representative in his role as new SAP Secretary.


December 21st, 2023: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Chair of Organization and Management wishes you a peaceful holiday season and a happy, prosperous New Year! 

Today we held our final lecture in Change Management and have thus concluded the lecture period for this semester. 


The festive season gives us now the chance to look back on a year with numerous highlights - the last of which were gatherings within our team and with our colleagues of the faculty to celebrate and exchange on the successful year. We would like to thank everyone with whom we have been in contact and who helped us to jointly shape the year 2023.

We are very much looking forward to our new teaching portfolio and new forms of academic exchange in 2024!

... and If you have not had the chance to take a look at our Christmas card: Here it is!


December 19th, 2023: Open Strategy Network

As Robin Engelbach of our Chair has taken a leading role in organizing the Open Strategy Network, we are delighted that so many of you have re-connected with or newly joined the OSN - it is great to see the OSN community growing and flourishing! 

In the OSN December newsletter attention has been drawn on two upcoming Open Strategy events our Chair is also involved in: 




The Oxford & Zurich Open Strategy Workshop  The workshop on Open Strategy: Taking stock and moving forward with many distinguished experts in the field will take place in Zurich from July 1-2, 2024, with no participation fee and a joint train ride to the EGOS colloquium. The submission deadline for an extended abstract of up to 2000 words is January 25, 2024, via

EGOS Subtheme 36: Diversity and Inclusion in Strategizing

The subtheme organized by Theresa Langenmayr, Violetta Splitter, and Janne Tienari is part of the 40th EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) colloquium in Milan (IT) taking place from July 4-6, 2024 and aiming to bring together scholars who conduct research on diversity and inclusion in top management teams (TMT) or participation in strategy making (Open Strategy). The deadline for submissions is January 9, 2024, via the EGOS website.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you at both events.



December 18th, 2023: Chair Christmas Events

The last two weeks, our team had the joy of embracing the festive spirit with two wonderful events. 

We enjoyed the Chair Christmas Apéro & Dinner, a delightful gathering with the extended Chair Family that brought everyone together and a lot of joy to the team.

We also participated in the annual End-of-Year Dinner of the UZH Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics at the University of Zurich. The event was a splendid opportunity for personal reconnection and celebration among faculty members. The evening was marked by great conversations, a shared sense of accomplishment, and a festive atmosphere that truly encapsulated the spirit of the season.

We wish all our colleagues a peaceful holiday season and a happy and successful new year ahead.


December 12th, 2023: SMS Voting Results

We are delighted to announce that our chair member Theresa Langenmayr and two of our former researchers in residence have been elected to leadership roles within The Strategic Management Society for the upcoming year.

Theresa Langenmayr will fill the Associate Program Chair role for the Strategy Practice Interest Group
Martha Eugenia Reyes-Sarmiento and Peter Smith will fill a Representative-at-Large role on the Strategy Practice Interest Group

We congratulate and thank them for their efforts and for enriching the Strategy as Practice community.


December 11th, 2023: Farewell to Violetta

We are very proud to announce that our colleague Violetta Splitterreceived a call from Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.

With both joy and a touch of sadness, we bid farewell to Violetta, who has been an integral part of Davids Chair for over 14 years. Starting in March, Violetta will embark on a new journey as Fellow of St Peter's College, University of Oxford and Associate Professor for Strategy at Saïd Business School.


We are immensely proud of Violetta and extend our best wishes for this new chapter in her academic career. However, her presence will be greatly missed here in Zurich. Our heartfelt thanks to you, Violetta, for the enriching time we have spent together, your dedication to teaching, the collaborative research projects, and the countless memorable experiences during our Magic Mountains and team events.

On the other hand we are delighted that our collaborative efforts on various topics will continue, with ongoing regular interactions. Violetta, you are always warmly welcomed at the Chair and our future events.


November 22nd, 2023: Diversity and Inclusion EGOS Subtheme 36

It is our pleasure to announce an exciting subtheme at next year’s EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies) on "Diversity and Inclusion in Strategizing – Integrating TMT and Participation Research" organized by Theresa Langenmayr, Violetta Splitter and Janne Tienari.

Link to the subtheme:






October 25th, 2023: Congratulations Theresa!

Today, we are overjoyed to announce that our esteemed chair member, Theresa Langenmayr, has successfully defended her PhD in Open Strategy. 

Her remarkable insights have contributed greatly to the advancement of this emerging research field, and we are thrilled that Theresa will continue her journey with us as a Post-Doc. 

We wholeheartedly wish her all the best in her future career and are excited about what is yet to come.

Congratulations Theresa!


Weiterführende Informationen

Feedback Form

We're looking forward to your feedback!

Distinguished Scholars Seminar Series

Upcoming events:

Jennifer Howard-Grenville

October 2-4, 2024

Last Speakers:

Davide Nicolini

May 27-30, 2024

Tammar Zilber

September 26-29, 2023

Martha Feldman

May 22/24/26, 2023

Anne Smith

October 24th-26th, 2022

Nils Brunsson

May 11th-13th, 2022

Stefano Brusoni & Anna Deréky

November 2/3/9, 2021

Tor Hernes

April 14th-16th, 2021

Jane Le

November 4th-6th, 2020

Richard Whittington

April 21th-22nd, 2020

Linda Rouleau

December 4th-6th, 2019

Tomi Laamanen
May 22nd-24th, 2019

Royston Greenwood
April 25th-27th, 2018

Paula Jarzabkowski

November 20th-22nd, 2017

Stewart Clegg

June 26th-28th, 2017

Luciana D'Adderio

May 16th-18th, 2017

Eero Vaara
October 3rd-5th, 2016

Ann Langley
December 17th-18th, 2015

Julia Balogun
October 19th to 20th, 2015

Theodore Schatzki
September 7th-9th, 2015

Feng Liu
May 11th, 2015

Max Bergman
November 3rd-5th, 2014

Royston Greenwood
September 24th-26th, 2014

Sally Maitlis
May 7th-9th, 2014

Martin Kornberger
April 17th, 2013

David Courpasson
April 8th, 2013

Karen Golden-Biddle
March 6th-8th, 2013

Klaus Weber
December 12th, 2012

Davide Nicolini
November 22nd, 2012

Colin Eden
October 31st, 2012

Martha Feldman
Sept 10th-13th, 2012

Loizos Heracleous
May 21st-25th, 2012

Michael Lounsbury
April 25th, 2012

Dirk Baecker
November 23rd, 2011

Dvora Yanow
November 9th-11th, 2011

Dvora Yanow
May 25-27th, 2011

Bill McKinley
May 18th, May 24th,
June 1st & June 8th, 2011

Mats Alvesson
October 4th, 2010

Ann Langley
September 29th, 2010

Kathleen Eisenhardt
May 17th-19th, 2010
(Seminar Cancelled)

Hari Tsoukas
December 2nd-4th, 2009

Paula Jarzabkowski
October 19th-21st, 2009

Bill McKinley
June 9th, 2009

Anne Huff
May 18th-19th, 2009

