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Department of Business Administration Entrepreneurship

Making a theory contribution in management research (new)

1. Topics

The course consists of three elements. First, it clarifies the features of scientific papers, discusses the role of research questions, and prepares students for developing a theory contribution to management research. Second, the course focuses on the process of publishing one’s research in an academic journal. Third, the course prepares students to write an introduction for a journal submission which takes the previous considerations into account. The course consists of lectures as well as exercises and group work in order to practice academic writing.

2. Target group

This seminar targets PhD students from Business Administration and Management and Economics.

3. Application

The seminar is limited to a maximum of 20 students (first come, first served). Beyond normal booking (Modulbuchung), a second application to the chair ist necessary by email: It is not allowed to attend the seminar without confirmation from the chair, as there will be a waiting list!

4. Program

This course provides method-related knowledge relevant for developing, writing, and publishing scientific papers that make a theory contribution to management research. At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • Recognize and define the unique features of scientific papers
  • Identify and motivate research gaps and research questions
  • Develop a theory contribution
  • Navigate the publishing process
  • Formulate a convincing introduction section
  • Present a research project to an academic audience

5. Schedule

The preliminary schedule is as follows:

  • 03.05.2023, 09:00 - 18:00 (Room: KOL-G-222)
  • 04.05.2023, 09:00 - 18:00 (Room: KOL-G-222)

6. Literature


Weiterführende Informationen


Prof. Dr. Christoph Grimpe
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sofka


Link (Attention: Change of dates!)