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Department of Business Administration Entrepreneurship



  • Grimpe Ch., Kaiser U., Sofka W. (2023) Creating Marketing Innovation Abroad: the value of marketing professionals in foreign MNC subsidiaries, Industrial Marketing Management 112

  • Grimpe Ch., Kaiser U., Sofka W. (2022) Competing for digital human capital: The retention effect of digital expertise in MNC subsidiaries, Journal of International Business Studies

  • Cure, M., Hunold M., Kesler, R., Larrieu, T., and U. Laitenberger (2022), Vertical Integration of Platforms and Product Prominence, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 20, 353–395.

  • Bertschek, I., R. Kesler (2022), Let the User Speak: Is Feedback on Facebook a Source of Firms' Innovation? Information Economics and Policy, 60, 100991.

  • Affeldt, P., R. Kesler (2021), Big Tech Acquisitions -- Towards Empirical Evidence, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, 21(6), 471-478.

  • Kaiser, U., Grimpe, Ch., Sofka, W., (2021), Understanding the Unwritten Rules of the Game – Government Work Experience and Salary Premiums in Foreign MNC Subsidiaries, Journal of International Business Studies

  • Kaiser, U., Kuhn, J., (2020) The value of publicly available, textual and non-textual information for startup performance prediction”, Journal of Business Venturing Insights 14

  • Hunold, M., Kesler, R., and Laitenberger, U. (2020), Rankings of Online Travel Agents, Channel Pricing, and Consumer Protection, Marketing Science, 39(1), 92-116

  • Kaiser, U., Grimpe, Ch., Sofka, W., (2019), Signaling valuable human capital: Advocacy group work experience and its effect on employee pay in innovative firms, Strategic Management Journal, 40(4), 685-710

  • Grimpe, Ch., Murmann M., Sofka W., Organizational design choices of high-tech startups: How middle management drives innovation performance, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

  • Kaiser, U., H.C. Kongsted, K. Laursen and A.-K. Ejsing (2018), Experience matters: The role of academic scientist mobility for industrial innovation, Strategic Management Journal, 1-24

  • Hunold, M., Kesler, R., Laitenberger, U., and Schlütter, F. (2018), Evaluation of Best Price Clauses in Online Hotel Bookings, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 61, 542-571
  • Fischer, B., Telser, H., and Zweifel, P., (2018), End-of-life healthcare expenditure: Testing economic explanations using a discrete choice experiment, Journal of Health Economics
  • Bertschek, I., and Kesler, R. (2017), Does Engaging with Customers on Facebook Lead to Better Product Ideas?, Harvard Business Review, October

  • Peukert, C., Claussen J. and Kretschmer, T. (2017): Piracy and Box Office Movie Revenues: Evidence from Megaupload, Internat. Journal of Industrial Organization
  • Peukert, C., Essling, C., Koenen, J., (2017): Competition for Attention in the Digital Age: The Case of Single Releases in the Recorded Music Industry, Information Economics and Policy
  • Kaiser, U., Kuhn, J. (2016): Worker-level and Firm-level Effects of a Wage Subsidy Program for Highly Educated Labor: Evidence from Denmark, Research Policy, Vol. 45 (9).

  • Miklós-Thal, J. and Ullrich, H. (2016): Career Prospects and Effort Incentives: Evidence from Professional Soccer, Management Science 62(6), 1645-1667.

  • Kaiser, U., Mueller, B. (2015): Skill Heterogeneity in Startups and its Development Over Time, Small Business Economics, Vol. 45 (4).

  • Kaiser, U., Kongsted, H.C. and Rønde, T. (2015): Does the Mobility of R&D Labor Increase Innovation, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 110.

  • Miklós-Thal, J. and Ullrich, H. (2015): Belief Precision and Effort Incentives in Promotion Contests, Economic Journal, Vol. 125(589), pp. 1952-1963.

  • Buss, P. and Peukert, C. (2015): R&D Outsourcing and Intellectual Property Infringement, Research Policy, 44 (4), p. 977-989.

  • Chandra, A. and Kaiser, U. (2014): Targeted Advertising in Magazine Markets and the Advent of the Internet, Management Science 60(7), 1829-1843.

  • Kaiser, U., Mendez, S.J., Rønde, T. and Ullrich, H. (2014): Regulation of Pharmaceutical Prices: Evidence from a Reference Price Reform in Denmark, Journal of Health Economics 36, 174-187.

  • Kaiser, U. and Kongsted, H.C. (2012): Do Magazines Companion Websites Cannibalize the Demand for the Print Version? Journal of Media Economics 25, 184‐197 (lead article).

  • Kaiser, U. and Kuhn, J.M. (2012): Long-run Effects of Public-private Research Joint Ventures: the Case of the Danish Innovation Consortia Support Scheme, Research Policy 41(5), 913-927.

  • Kaiser, U. and Malchow-Møller, N. (2011): Is Self-Employment Really a Bad Experience? The Effects of Previous Self-employment on Subsequent Wage-employment Wages, Journal of Business Venturing 26(5), 572-588.

  • Grimpe, C. and Kaiser, U. (2010): Balancing Internal and External Knowledge Acquisition: The Gains and Pains from R&D Outsourcing, Journal of Management Studies 47(8), 1483‐1509.

  • Kaiser, U. (2009): Patents and Profit Rates, Economics Letters 104, 79‐80.

  • Kaiser, U. and Song, M. (2009): Do Media Consumers Really Dislike Advertising? An Empirical Assessment of the Role of Advertising in Print Media Markets, International Journal of Industrial Organization 27(2), 292‐301.

  • Kaiser, U. and Wagner, J. (2009): Neue Möglichkeiten zur Nutzung vertraulicher amtlicher Personen‐ und Firmendaten, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 9(3), 329‐349.

  • Kaiser, U. and Kongsted, H.C. (2009): True versus Spurious State Dependence in Firm Performance: The Case of West German Exports, Empirical Economics 35, 207‐228.

Working Papers

  • Breithaupt, P., Kesler, R., Niebel, T., and Rammer, C. (2020), Intangible Capital Indicators Based on Web Scraping of Social Media, ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-046
  • Kesler, R., Kummer, M., and Schulte, P. (2019), Competition and Privacy in Online Markets: Evidence from the Mobile App Industry, ZEW Discussion Paper No. 19-064
  • Kesler, R., Kummer, M., and Schulte, P. (2017), Mobile Applications and Access to Private Data: The Supply Side of the Android Ecosystem, ZEW Discussion Paper No. 17-075
  • Cerquera, D., F. Laisney and H. Ullrich (2014): A Note on Regressions with Interval Data on a Regressor
  • Essling, C., J. Koenen and C. Peukert (2014): Loudness War – How Record Labels Compete for Consumer Attention, Working Paper,
  • Tonon, J.C., J. Claussen and C. Peukert (2014): On the Road Again: The Effect of Live Performances on Artist Popularity, Working Paper,

  • Kaiser, U., H.C. Kongsted and T. Rønde (2011): Labor Mobility, social network effects and Patenting Activity. Revised version of Centre for Economic and Business Research Discussion Paper 2008-16.

  • Kaiser U., H.C. Kongsted and A.K. Ejsing (2011): Unraveling the Role of Public Researcher Mobility for Industrial Innovation. IZA working paper 5691.

  • Cerquera, D. and H. Ullrich (2010): Consumer Welfare and Unobserved Heterogeneity in Discrete Choice Models: The Value of Alpine Road Tunnels. Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper 2010-95.

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