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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Services & Operations Management

Workshop on Strategy

Informations on PhD Workshop

Prof. Dr. Dietl and Prof. Hart E. Posen (University of Wisconsin)

Assistant at Chair: Dr. Dirk Martignoni

Time: 21. - 23. Oktober 2013, 9:00 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 16:30
21.10. + 22.10.2013 -> KOL-F-122
23.10.2013 -> KOL-G-222

Content of Workshop:
For more information please click here

The number of participants is limited. Please e-Mail your application to no later than October 1, 2013. We kindly ask you to attach your working paper, next to the other specifications(name, e-mail address, matrikel nummber, field of study). The final admission to the workshop will be given per e-mail by October 5, 2013.

Weiterführende Informationen

Contact & Location

University of Zurich
Department of Business Administration
Chair of Services & Operations Management 
Plattenstrasse 14
CH-8032 Zurich
Phone:   +41 (0)44 634 53 11 
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