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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre

News Archiv 2022-23


Dr. Manuel Sebastian Mariani has a new publication in "Technological Forecasting and Social Change"

Dr. Manuel Sebastian Mariani, a senior researcher, has co-authored a groundbreaking study published in "Technological Forecasting and Social Change." The study delves into the early indicators of a firm's research success, focusing on how the value of a firm's initial patents can predict future research achievements. It examines over 7,000 publicly listed firms and their patenting life cycles, revealing that early patents' economic value is a significant predictor of future success. Interestingly, the study also identifies a subset of firms, termed 'sleeping beauties,' which produce high-value patents later in their lifecycle, despite not showing early signs of high economic value. This research has significant implications for investors, policymakers, and managers in understanding and forecasting technological innovation and research success. ScienceDirect


Alumni Refresher "Best of EMBA UZH"

Das Alumni-Event "Best of EMBA UZH" fand am 14. November 2023 statt. Die Teilnehmenden wurden von Jeanine Bönsel vom Vorstand der Alumni-Organisation und Dr. Jürgen Brücker, CEO der Executive Education der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät UZH, begrüsst. Prof. Dr. Kurt Matzler hielt einen Vortrag über die Verbindung von Hochleistungssport und Management, inspiriert von seinen Erfahrungen beim Race Across America. Prof. Dr. Christiane Barz sprach über die Chancen und Fallstricke des Revenue Managements in verschiedenen Branchen. Das Event endete mit einem Apéro Riche und Gelegenheit zum Austausch. PDF-Download (PDF, 2 MB)


Prof. Dr. Reto Eberle ist der neue Präsident des Stiftungsrats der FER

Prof. Dr. Reto Eberle hat das Präsidium des Stiftungsrats von Prof. em. Dr. Giorgio Behr übernommen. Prof. Eberle ist Audit Partner bei KPMG und Professor für Auditing and Internal Control der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Er ist seit über 20 Jahren in den unterschiedlichsten Funktionen in der FER tätig und hat als solcher auch verschiedene Arbeitsgruppen geleitet. Zurzeit hat er den Vorsitz der Arbeitsgruppe zu Nachhaltigkeit in der FER inne. Wir gratulieren Prof. Dr. Eberle zu diesen wichtigen Amt! Zum Artikel hier klicken


Congratulations to Michael Ribers on His Appointment as Assistant Professor at the University of Copenhagen

We are pleased to inform you that our former PostDoc, Michael Ribers, has been appointed as an Assistant Professor at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics.


Von Technokraten, Heldinnen und Sharern: Auf der Suche nach dem CEO der Zukunft - mit Prof. Jochen Menges

Wie sieht Führung für die Zukunft aus? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigte sich der Aargauer Wirtschaftskongress 2023. Ein Professor für Führungsforschung kennt eine mögliche Antwort: CEOs, Managerinnen und Chefs sollten ihre Ängste und Sorgen teilen. Zum Artikel hier klicken!


The Effect Of Postsecondary Institutions On Local Economies: A Bird’s-Eye View - mit Prof. Dr. Patrick Lehnert und Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Uschi Backes-Gellner

Eric Bettinger, senior fellow (joint) at the Hoover Institution and the Conley-DeAngelis Professor of Education in the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University, discussed “The Effect of Postsecondary Institutions on Local Economies: A Bird’s-Eye View,” a paper with Patrick Lehnert (University of Zurich), Uschi Backes-Gellner (University of Zurich), and Madison Dell (Tennessee Board of Regents).Click here for more!


German Brand Award 2024: Mit Prof. Dr. Andrea Giuffredi-Kähr in der Jury

Der German Brand Award 2024, organisiert vom Rat für Formgebung, hat begonnen, und Unternehmen, Agenturen, Dienstleister und Marketeers aus allen Branchen weltweit können sich anmelden. Dieser Award zeichnet herausragende Markenführung aus und bietet eine Plattform für innovative Marken, erstklassige Strategien und nachhaltige Markenkommunikation. Die Jury, zu der auch Prof. Dr. Andrea Giuffredi-Kähr, Inhaberin der Professur für Marketing in the Digital Economy an der University of Zurich, gehört, wird die besten Projekte und Kampagnen auszeichnen. Die Preisverleihung inklusive der German Brand Convention findet am 13. Juni 2024 in Berlin statt.Hier klicken für mehr!


Prof. Dr. Evgeny Petrov wird Mitglied unserer Fakultät

Ab dem 1. November 2023 begrüssen wir Evgeny Petrov als Assistenzprofessor für Rechnungswesen am Departement für Betriebswirtschaft.

Evgeny Petrov promovierte 2017 in Finanzwissenschaften am Swiss Finance Institute der EPFL. Vor seiner Ernennung zum Assistenzprofessor an der Universität Zürich war Evgeny Petrov von Juli 2018 bis Juli 2023 als Assistenzprofessor für Rechnungswesen an der Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) tätig. Sein Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt in der analytischen Finanzbuchhaltung und Wirtschaftsprüfung, mit einem Hauptaugenmerk auf Themen wie freiwillige Offenlegung, Ertragsmanagement und Informations-Spillover.

Herzlich willkommen!


REndo R Package reaches 50,000 downloads

This month, REndo, a tool for fitting linear models with endogenous regressors using latent instrumental variables, surpasses 50,000 downloads on CRAN since its initial release in 2016. The popular R package developed by Raluca Gui, Markus Meierer, Rene Algesheimer, and Patrik Schilter was recently featured in the Journal of Statistical Software in an article titled "REndo: Internal Instrumental Variables to Address Endogeneity". Continue here


Violetta Splitter erhält Ruf von Saïd Business School an der Universität of Oxford

Dr. Violetta Splitter, Senior Research Associate am Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, hat einen Ruf an die Saïd Business School an der Universität Oxford erhalten. Sie wird die neue Stelle im März 2024 antreten.. 




Prof. Dr. Backes-Gellner tritt der Gründungskommission der DATI bei

Prof. Backes-Gellner wurde kürzlich in die Gründungskommission der Deutschen Agentur für Transfer und Innovation (DATI) berufen. Ziel der DATI ist es, Forschungsergebnisse schneller und effektiver in die Anwendung und zu den Menschen zu bringen, um deutschlandweit neue Innovationspotenziale freizusetzen. Die DATI wird neue Wege in der Förderung von Transfer und Innovation beschreiten und ist themenoffen, sowohl für technologische als auch für soziale Innovationen. Wir gratulieren Prof. Backes-Gellner zu dieser neuen Herausforderung!DATI





13th Accounting Research Workshop at UZH

On June 29-30, 2023, about 100 researchers gathered at UZH for the 13th Accounting Research Workshop to exchange ideas on current issues in the field of Accounting Theory. The conference was organized by Prof. Hui Chen and Prof. Robert F. Göx (both IBW) together with Prof. Ulf Schiller from the University of Basel and brought together senior and junior faculty from leading academic institutions in Europe, the U.S, and Asia. The program comprised 40 academic presentations with discussants as well as two invited keynote lectures held by Prof. Daniel Taylor (Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania) and Prof. Ester Einhorn (Koller School of Management, Tel Aviv University). A summary of the event with a detailed program overview can be found here.



Prof. Seidl_2021


Aus der Forschung für die Praxis: Inside Berufsbildung Podcast mit Patricia Palffy

Patricia Palffy, Doktorandin am Lehrstuhl für Business and Personnel Economics, war im Dezember 2022 im Podcast «Inside Berufsbildung» Gast von Marc Putschert vom Berufsbildungsportal Yousty. Patricia Palffy spricht darüber ob und wie man Frauen für einen «Männerberuf» begeistern kann, aber auch wie man Männer für «Frauenberufe» gewinnen könnte – oder nicht.

Sie verwertet im Podcast die Ergebnisse von zwei ihrer Dissertationsprojekte zur geschlechtstypischen Berufswahl und leitet daraus Schlussfolgerungen und Tipps für Lehrbetriebe und Berufsverbände ab. Eine erstaunliche aber wichtige Erkenntnisse: bei Männern ist das Problem noch grösser als bei Frauen.

Hören Sie selbst in den Podcast rein!



Dr. Ulrich Schäfer


Dr. Ulrich Schäfer accepts call as Assistant Professor to the University of Vienna

Dr. Ulrich Schäfer, Senior Researcher at the Department (chair R. Göx), has accepted the position of an assistant professorship (with tenure-track) for Managerial Accounting at the Department of Accounting, Innovation and Strategy of the University of Vienna. He will assume office starting August 1st, 2023.



Prof. Seidl_2021


LERU's view on holistic doctoral supervision: Prof. David Seidl is invited to be part of the panel at theonline launch event.

On 28 February 2023, the League of European Research Universities (LERU) will present its new advice paper, entitled “LERU’s view on holistic doctoral supervision”. With this paper, LERU member institutions propose a holistic view of supervision aimed at supporting doctoral researchers in becoming future leaders in all sectors of societal relevance, in academia and beyond.

We are proud to announce that Prof. David Seidl is invited to serve as panel member and hereby share his experience and insights with the audience.





Dr. Martin Murmann has been appointed assistant professor

Dr. Martin Murmann, who has been a post-doc and senior research associate at the Chair for Entrepreneurship, has been appointed assistant professor at Bern University of Applied Sciences. Congratulations and all the best!





Startup grant to entrepreneurship professor Ulrich Kaiser

After 14 years as the Chair for Entrepreneurship and scholar of entrepreneurship, Ulrich Kaiser eventually turned into a startup promoter himself by winning a startup grant worth 15000 CHF to, an online tool which tracks startup activity in Switzerland which was developed by UZH student startup Chiron services, The grant was jointly awarded to Chiron services and professor Kaiser by, the Swiss Innovation Agency. .




Sangyun Kim receives the Best Paper Award at the Strategic Management Society conference


A paper by Sangyun Kim and Prof. Hart E. Posen (University of Wisconsin-Madison) has been chosen Best Paper for the Behavioral Strategy Interest Group at this year’s Strategic Management Society conference.

This study ("vicarious experimentation through imitation: evidence from video game sequel releases") examines an underappreciated question in research on imitation: how can innovators learn from being imitated? They call the process through which such learning occurs vicarious experimentation. Most prior work suggests that imitation is detrimental to the innovator’s advantage. By examining the implications of imitation as a source of experiential learning, the authors explore how being imitated may increase, rather than decrease, the innovator's performance. Results from the US video console game industry are consistent with the prediction that the innovator’s next-generation product has higher quality if the original product experienced more imitation. Furthermore, this effect is strengthened when the imitators are more visible in the market and the innovator successfully retains the product-specific knowledge embedded in its development unit.





Academy of Management Meeting Best Paper with Entrepreneurial Implications Award awarded to Prof. Dr. Lauren Howe and Prof. Dr. Jochen Menges


At the Academy of Management meeting this summer on August 5th, a paper Prof. Dr. Lauren Howe co-authored with Prof. Dr. Jochen Menges, entitled "Investors increase financial support to entrepreneurs who share a personal shortcoming", was selected by the Organizational Behavior division for the Best Paper with Entrepreneurial Implications Award.





Swiss Reception at AOM


The Department of Business Administration at the University of Zurich hosted the 11th annual Swiss Reception at AOM (PDF, 3 MB) on August 6th at the Academy of Management Meeting. The event was organized by Florence Bernays, Vera Hampel, Prof. Dr. Lauren Howe, Bennet Schwoon, and Dorothee Winkler, and was sponsored by the chairs of Prof. Dr. Jochen Menges, Prof. Dr. Andreas Scherer, and Prof. Dr. David Seidl; the event was well attended by over 100 invited guests who gathered at Optimism Brewing in Seattle to exchange.





Studieninformationstage der UZH am 7. und 8. September 2022


Die Studieninformationstage der UZH am 7. und 8. September waren erneut ein grosser Erfolg. Viele MaturandInnen haben den Weg an die Uni gefunden um sich dort über das Bachelor Angebot zu informieren. Wir danken Pascal Meier für die sehr erfrischende Präsentation! Auch ein grosses Dankeschön geht an alle AssistentInnen, die am BWL Stand ausgiebig Auskunft gegeben haben!





«Stepping up – Intergenerational Mobility and Identifying New Pools of Talent» – Event on 22.9.2022


How can young talents from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds be reached? And what does it take to successfully enter the job market, what role does Vocational Education and Training (VET) play? These and other questions will be discussed at a high-level panel on September 22, 2022 with Prof. Dr. h.c. Eric P. Bettinger, PhD, this year's honorary doctor of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics of the University of Zurich, and other experts. Register now!

What is needed for a successful step into the labor market? How do educational programs need to change? How can young people be reached who haven’t planned educational careers? How can new pools of talent be attracted? With his great creativity and his rigorous statistical methods Prof. Bettinger identifies cause-and-effect relationships in education and evaluates programs and pilots in the USA and in developing and industrialized countries across the globe. On the occasion of his honorary doctorate, he comes from Stanford University to the University of Zurich to present findings of his longstanding research in this area and to discuss them with outstanding personalities from different fields (see panelists).

Prof. Bettinger, Professor at Stanford University (USA) and Advisory Board Member of the Leading House VPET-ECON was awarded an honorary doctorate of the University of Zurich on Dies Academicus 2022. It thus appreciates his great contributions to the methodological and substantive development of the economics of education and his significant contributions to evidence-based education policy in both industrialized and developing countries.

To celebrate the honorary doctorate, the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics will host an event with a panel in the Aula of the University of Zurich on Thursday, September 22, 2022, 04.30 p.m.


More information 





Welcome Prof. Dr. Kerstin Pull as Inge Strauch visiting professor


We are pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Kerstin Pull as Inge Strauch visiting professor at UZH as of today. Kerstin Pull is visiting professor at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics and senior research fellow at Collegium Helveticum. She is Chair of Human Resource Management & Organization at the School of Business & Economics at Tuebingen University. In her research, Kerstin Pull takes a personnel economics perspective on HR questions. In most of her projects, she follows a quantitative empirical approach.