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Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre

News Archiv 2019



Eine Studie von Prof. Dr. Uschi Backes-Gellner und Dr. Curdin Pfister, Universität Zürich

Die Studie «Contribution of VPET System to Innovation» wurde als Teil des
Berichts «Forschung und Innovation in der Schweiz 2020» erarbeitet. Weitere Infos finden Sie hier.





The Chair of Quantitative Business Administration is pleased to announce that José Parra Moyano has accepted an offer as an Assistant Professor in Blockchain Technology at the Copenhagen Business School, one of the leading business schools in the World

José received a PhD (summa cum laude) from the Department of Business Administration in 2018 for his work on the "Management and Economics of Blockchain-Based Systems". With his research on blockchains and cryptocurrencies, José has established himself as an eminent scholar of blockchain technologies. While he was a doctoral student at UZH, the magazine Forbes conferred a great honor on José by selecting him for its prestigious "30 under 30" list, see also Several cohorts of Master students in Business Administrations greatly benefitted from having José as their teaching assistant in their first-semester core statistics course. José has been incredibly generous with his time and a very clear and patient source of help for many students.
We wish José and his family all the best for their move to Copenhagen.





The Chair of Quantitative Business Administration is pleased to announce that Dr. Gregor Reich has accepted an offer as a tenured Associate Professor in Marketing at NHH Bergen, Norway's premier business school and one of the leading business schools in Europe. Gregor will join NHH Bergen in 2020

Gregor received a PhD (summa cum laude) from the Department of Business Administration in 2015. For his outstanding work on "Flexible Estimation Methods for Dynamic Discrete Choice Models", Gregor received a Mercator Award in 2015. Over the last few years, Gregor has established himself as a leading researcher in structural estimation and computational economics. During his time at UZH, he has been a tremendous resource and supportive mentor for numerous Master and PhD students.
We wish Gregor and his family all the best for their move to Bergen.





Dr Stefan Schembera appointed as Assistant Professor of Business Administration at the Nijmegen School of Management

Dr. Stefan Schembera has accepted an offer for an Assistant Professorship of Business Administration at the Nijmegen School of Management at Radboud University (Netherlands). He will assume the position in January 2020. Radboud University is an AACSB accredited institution. Currently Dr. Schembera works at the IBW at the chair of Prof. A.G. Scherer on an SNF project on fighting corruption and has earned his PhD at UZH in 2015 (Advisor: Prof. A.G. Scherer, Co-advisor: Prof. A. Schenker-Wicki).



Evangelos Syrigos


Dr Evangelos Syrigos appointed as Assistant Professor in Corporate Strategy (Tenure Track) at LUISS, Rome

The Chair in International Management is pleased to announce that Dr Evangelos Syrigos has started a new position as Assistant Professor in Corporate strategy (Tenure Track) at the LUISS, Rome, Italy as of October 1, 2019. In a competitive job market, Evangelos had several offers from European Universities.

Evangelos joined the Chair in International Management in Fall 2013 and since then he has been conducting research on corporate entrepreneurship, innovation, digital strategy and behavioral strategy. He has been instrumental in the Chair’s teaching across all subjects at the bachelor, master, and doctoral levels and played a central role in the Chair's development and administration.

We wish him all the best at his new position.





Prof. Keil elected to the National Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation

The National Research Council of the SNSF evaluates several thousand applications each year and makes funding decisions. It is composed of about 100 distinguished researchers, most of whom work at Swiss higher education institutions. Prof. Keil will represent the field of business administration within the Department Humanities and Social Sciences.





Prof. Dr. Anne Scherer was nominated to join the World Economic Forum

Prof. Dr. Anne Scherer was nominated to join the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council in the area Consumption for the upcoming term.
The World Economic Forum’s Global Future Councils are interdisciplinary knowledge networks dedicated to challenge conventional thinking and to generate new insights on emerging or cross-cutting topics related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In the upcoming term, the Global Future Council on Consumption will focus on the role of consumer data and the opportunities and risks it entails for the future of consumption.



Shenghui Ma


Dr. Shenghui Ma appointed as Associate Professor at the Fudan University.

The Chair of Organization and Management held by Prof. David Seidl is pleased to announce that Dr. Shenghui Ma has been appointed as Associate Professor at the Fudan University.
Dr. Shenghui Ma joined the Chair of Organization and Management in 2010 as a research associate and PhD student. Since 2016 Dr. Shenghui Ma was a senior researcher and lecturer. His research interests include Top Management Team Dynamics, CEO Succession, Strategic Change, Sensemaking and Qualitative Methods. Dr. Shenghui Ma has been instrumental in the Chair’s teaching, helding the lecture «Organization Theories» and the seminar «The Practice of Strategy» both at Master level.





Swiss Audit Monitor: Report 2019 veröffentlicht!

Unter der Leitung von Prof. Eberle wurde die dritte Ausgabe des Swiss Audit Monitor publiziert.

Kernstück des Swiss Audit Monitor ist ein jährlich erstellter Report, der die Geschäftsberichte aller über 200 an der SIX Exchange im Swiss Performance Index (SPI) kotierten Unternehmen auswertet im Hinblick auf Informationen zur Revision, den Revisionsstellen und den angewendeten Rechnungslegungsstandards.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website des Swiss Audit Monitor





Dorothee Winkler, Dr. Florian Überbacher und Prof. Dr. Andreas Georg Scherer erhalten den VHB «Best Practice Paper Award 2019»

Dorothee Winkler, Dr. Florian Überbacher und Prof. Dr. Andreas Georg Scherer haben für ihr Paper «Maintaining organizational legitimacy during ideological disruptions and societal divisions» den VHB Best Practice Paper Award 2019 gewonnen.

Der VHB Best Practice Paper Award prämiert den besten Beitrag mit starkem Praxisbezug aus dem offenen Teil der Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e. V. (VHB Pfingsttagung) in Rostock.

Ihr Beitrag untersucht, wie es dem CEO von Tesla, Elon Musk, gelingt, seine Organisation in einer Art und Weise zu präsentieren, wodurch ihm sowohl die ideologisch links, wie auch ideologisch rechts ausgerichtete Seite der polarisierten Medienlandschaft in den USA Legitimität gewährt.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website des VHB.



ARW 2019


11th Accounting Research Workshop an der UZH
Am 20. und 21. Juni 2019 trafen sich im Rahmen des 11th Accounting Research Workshop an der UZH über 80 Forscher, um sich über aktuelle Fragen auf dem Gebiet der Accounting Theory auszutauschen. Die international hochkarätig besetzte Tagung wurde vom Lehrstuhl für Managerial Accounting (Prof. Robert F. Göx) zusammen mit Prof. Ulf Schiller von der Universität Basel organisiert. Den teilnehmenden Wissenschaftlern aus aller Welt bot sich ein spannendes und abwechslungsreiches Programm mit 34 Vorträgen und zwei invited Keynote Lectures von Prof. Jeremy Bertomeu (Rady School of Management, UC San Diego) und Prof. Volker Laux (McCombs School of Business, UT Austin). Eine Zusammenfassung der Veranstaltung mit einer detaillierten Programmübersicht findet sich hier.



Dr Aguiar


UZH ernennt Dr. Luis Aguiar zum Assistenzprofessor für Management of Digital Transformation
Am 20. Mai 2019 hat der Unirat Dr. Luis Aguiar zum Assistenzprofessor für Management of Digital Transformation am Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre berufen. Dr. Aguiar ist derzeit am Joint Research Center (JRC) der Europäischen Kommission in Sevilla tätig und wird die Stelle am IBW am 1. August 2019 antreten. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte beinhalten unter anderem: Economics of Digitization, Empirical Industrial Organization, Economics of Media Markets, Technological Change und Policy.





UZH Blockchain Center mit vier IBW-Professoren gegründet
On the 1st of March, 2019, the Board of the University of Zurich has formally established a Competence Centre on Blockchain and follows a grass-root initiative by several Professors who held research activities in the area back in 2017. Now, among its members, it hosts 20 Professors from two Faculties and seven departments (including four from IBW). It is now the largest initiative of this kind in Switzerland but - more importantly - it is the most interdisciplinary one. No other academic institution has the reach to cover areas as variegated as Regulation, Criminal Law, Informatics, Economics, Finance snd Business Administration.  
The main mandates are: coordination and fostering of research activities and fund-raising; developing a systematic  education offering that ranges from undergraduate students to professionals; serving as a single point of contact between UZH and other societal stakeholders, like the thriving Swiss industrial ecosystem in the area, the government and peer institutions.
The Steering Committee (its sole governing body) is composed by: Christian Ewerhart, Thorsten Hens, Gerhard Schwabe, Claudio J. Tessone, Rolf H. Weber.



EFI 2019


EFI-Jahresgutachten an Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel überreicht
Am 27. Februar 2019 hat Prof. Uschi Backes-Gellner gemeinsam mit ihren Kolleginnen und Kollegen der Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI) ihr 12. Jahresgutachten an die Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel überreicht.


Die Kernthemen des Jahresberichts 2019 sind:

  • Die Rolle von Start-ups im Innovationssystem
  • Innovationen für die Energiewende
  • Blockchain
  • Digitalisierung der Hochschulen



Dr. Pasi Kuusela


Dr. Pasi Kuusela appointed as Assistant Professor in Organization Studies (Tenure Track) at the University of Groningen
The Chair in International Management held by Prof. Thomas Keil is pleased to announce that Dr. Pasi Kuusela has been appointed as Assistant Professor in Organization Studies (Tenure Track) at the University of Groningen as of April 1, 2019.
Pasi joined the Chair in International Management in Summer 2013 and since then he has been conducting research on behavioral strategy and mergers and acquisitions. Pasi has been instrumental in the Chair’s teaching across all subjects at the bachelor, master, and doctoral levels.




swiss CAR veröffentlicht neue Studie zur «Automobilindustrie Schweiz»
Am 17. Januar 2019 wurde unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Anja Schulze im Rahmen einer Veranstaltung an der Universität Zürich die neue Studie zur «Automobilindustrie Schweiz» veröffentlicht. Die Branchenanalyse wird von swiss CAR in Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Partnern bereits das dritte Mal publiziert und beinhaltet eine umfassende Bestandsaufnahme von Struktur, Trends, Chancen und Herausforderungen der Schweizer Automobilbranche.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine stabile Entwicklung der Branche und ein klares Bekenntnis der Firmen zum Standort Schweiz. Zentrales Thema der Studie ist der technologische Wandel und die Auswirkungen davon auf Schweizer Firmen in der Automobilindustrie.
Weitere Informationen zur Studie und einen Überblick der Aktivitäten von swiss CAR finden Sie hier.



Prof. Reto Eberle


Prof. Dr. Reto Eberle neues Stiftungsratsmitglied der FER-Stiftung
Nachdem Prof. Dr. Reto Eberle seit 2002 zuerst als Fachsekretär und später als Mitglied des Fachausschusses der FER-Stiftung eng in der Ausarbeitung der Schweizer Rechnungslegungsvorschriften involviert war, wird er ab 1. Januar 2019 als Stiftungsrat der FER sein.