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Department of Business Administration Chair of Human Resource Management and Leadership

Melissa  Vergult

Melissa Vergult

  • Semester Assistant
Room number
PLR - J116

Melissa Vergult

Melissa joined the Chair of HRM & Leadership as a Semester Assistant in October 2020. She has successfully completed the Bachelor in Business Administration (major) and Banking & Finance (minor) at the University of Zurich. As part of her Bachelor, she has spent one semester at the Vienna University of Economics and Business as an exchange student. Currently she is completing the Master in Business Innovation at the University of St. Gallen.

Melissa is particularly interested in the working world of tomorrow. She is keen on answering questions such as: what skill sets are needed for employees and employers in the future? and how do/can innovations change our working world to a better one? As part of her bachelor thesis, she used qualitative methods to explore how leaders and followers present themselves in video conferences for work and what consequences emerge from these choices.

Personally, she enjoys indoor skydiving, dancing, jogging, reading and spending time with family and friends.