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Department of Business Administration Chair of Human Resource Management and Leadership

English Publications

Academic Articles

Ward, G., Schwartz, A., Giorgi, S., Menges, J.I., & Matz, S. 2024. The role of negative affect in shaping populist support: Converging global evidence from the field. American Psychologist, in press. DOI PDF (PDF, 5 MB)

Decoster, S., de Schutter, L., Menges, J.I., De Cremer, D., & Stouten, J. 2023. Does change incite abusive supervision? The role of transformational change and hindrance stress. Human Resource Management Journal. DOIPDF (PDF, 359 KB)

Mo, C.H., Jachimowicz, J., Menges, J.I. & Galinsky, A.D. 2023. The impact of incidental environmental factors on vote choice: Wind speed is related to more prevention-focused voting. Political Behavior. DOIPDF (PDF, 803 KB)

Kammerlander, N., Menges, J.I., Herhausen, D., Kipfelsberger, P., & Bruch, H. 2022. How family CEOs affect employees’ feelings and behaviors: A study on positive emotions. Long Range Planning, forthcoming. DOI PDF (PDF, 3 MB)

Blickle, G., Kranefeld, I., Wihler, A., Kückelhaus, B.P., & Menges, J.I. 2022. It works without words: A nonlinguistic ability test of perceiving emotions with job-related consequences. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. DOI PDF (PDF, 671 KB)

Howe, L.C., & Menges, J.I. 2022. Remote work mindsets predict emotions and productivity in home office: A longitudinal study of knowledge workers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Human-Computer Interaction. DOI PDF (PDF, 540 KB)

Landis, B., Fisher, C.M., & Menges, J.I. 2022. How employees react to unsolicited and solicited advice in the workplace: Implications for using advice, learning, and performance. Journal of Applied Psychology. DOI PDF (PDF, 331 KB)

Tussing, D., Wihler, A., Astandu, T., & Menges, J.I. 2022. Should I stay or should I go? The role of individual strivings in shaping the relationship between envy and avoidance behaviors at work. Journal of Organizational Behavior. DOI PDF (PDF, 380 KB)

Wihler, A., Hülsheger, U.R., Reb, J.,& Menges, J.I. 2022. It's so boring -  or is it? Examining the role of mindfulness for work performance and attitudes in monotonous jobs. Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology. DOI PDF (PDF, 406 KB)

Jachimovicz, J.M., Lee, J., Staats. B., Menges, J.I., & Gino, F. 2021. Between home and work: Commuting as an opportunity for role transitions. Organization Science. DOI PDF  (PDF, 580 KB)

Taylor, C., Ivcevic, Z., Reiter-Palmon, R., Moeller, J., Menges, J.I., & Brackett, M. 2021. Gender and emotions at work: Organizational rank has greater emotional benefits for men than for women. Sex Roles. DOI PDF (PDF, 588 KB)

Ivcevic, Z., Moeller, J., Menges J.I., & Brackett M.A. 2020. Supervisor emotionally intelligent behavior and employee creativity. Journal of Creative Behavior. DOI PDF (PDF, 410 KB)

Matz, S.C., Menges, J.I., Stillwell, D.J., & Schwartz, H.A. 2019. Predicting individual-level income from Facebook profiles. PLOS One, 14: e0214369DOI PDF (PDF, 1 MB)

Landis, B., Kilduff, M., Menges, J.I., & Kilduff, G. 2018. The paradox of agency: Feeling powerful reduces brokerage opportunity recognition yet increases willingness to broker. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103: 929-938. DOI PDF (PDF, 203 KB)

Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., White, A. E., Menges, J. I., & Brackett, M. A. 2018. Highly engaged but burned-out: Intra-individual profiles in the US workforce. Career Development International, 23: 86-105. DOI PDF (PDF, 1 MB)

Knight, A., Menges, J. I. & Bruch, H. 2018. Organizational affective tone: A meso perspective on the origins and effects of consistent affect in organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 61: 191-219. DOI PDF (PDF, 587 KB)

Conroy, S., Becker, W. & Menges, J. I. 2017. The meaning of my feelings depends on who I am: Work-related identifications shape emotion effects in organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 60: 1071-1093. DOI PDF (PDF, 1 MB)

Menges, J. I., Tussing, D., Wihler, A. & Grant, A. 2017. When job performance is all relative: How family motivation energizes effort and compensates for intrinsic motivation. Academy of Management Journal, 60: 695-719. DOI PDF (PDF, 935 KB)

Kunze, F. & Menges, J.I. 2017. Younger supervisors, older subordinates: An organi-zational-level study of age differences, emotions, and performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38: 461-486. DOI PDF (PDF, 841 KB)

Silberzahn, R. & Menges, J. I. 2016. Reading the face of a leader: Women with low facial masculinity are perceived as competitive. Academy of Management Discoveries. DOI PDF (PDF, 917 KB) Video

Menges, J. I., Kilduff, M., Kern, S., & Bruch, H. 2015. The Awestruck Effect: Followers suppress emotion expression in response to charismatic but not individually considerate leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 26: 627-641. DOI PDF (PDF, 396 KB) Video

Menges, J. I. & Kilduff, M. 2015. Group emotions: Cutting the Gordian knots concerning terms, levels-of-analysis, and mechanisms. Academy of Management Annals, 9:1, 845-928. DOI PDF (PDF, 706 KB)

Brands, R., Menges, J. I., & Kilduff, M. 2015. The leader-in-social-network schema: The role of network perceptions in gendered attributions of charisma. Organization Science, 26:1210-1225. DOI PDF (PDF, 578 KB)

Tasselli, S., Kilduff, M., & Menges, J. I. 2015. The micro foundations of organizational social networks: A review and an agenda for future research. Journal of Management, 41: 1361-1387. DOI PDF (PDF, 522 KB)

Momm, T., Blickle, G., Liu, Y., Wihler, A., Kholin, M., & Menges J. I. 2014. It pays to have an eye for emotions: Emotion recognition ability indirectly predicts annual income. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36: 147 - 163. DOI PDF (PDF, 684 KB) Video

Becker, W. J., & Menges, J. I. 2013. Biological implicit measures in HRM and OB: A question of how, not if. Human Resource Management Review, 23: 219-228. DOI PDF (PDF, 176 KB)

Nohe, C., Michaelis, B., Menges, J. I., Zhang, Z., & Sonntag, K. 2013. Charisma and organizational change: A multi-level study of perceived charisma, follower commitment to change and team performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 24: 378-389. DOI PDF (PDF, 212 KB)

Uhlmann, E., Leavitt, K., Menges, J. I., Koopman, J., Howe, M.D., & Johnson, R.E. 2012. Getting explicit about the implicit: A taxonomy of implicit measures and a guide for their use. Organizational Research Methods, 15: 553-601. DOI PDF (PDF, 380 KB)

Menges, J. I., Walter, F., Vogel, B., & Bruch, H. 2011. Transformational leadership climate: Performance linkages, mechanisms, and boundary conditions at the organizational level. The Leadership Quarterly, 22: 893-909. DOI PDF (PDF, 500 KB)

Kilduff, M., Chiaburu, D.S., & Menges, J. I. 2010. Strategic use of emotional intelligence in organizational settings: Exploring the dark side. Research in Organizational Behavior, 30: 129-152. DOI PDF (PDF, 281 KB)

Fiedler, K., Schenck, W., Watling, M., & Menges, J. I. 2005. Priming trait inferences through pictures and moving pictures: The impact of open and closed mindsets. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88: 229-244. DOI PDF (PDF, 214 KB)


Practitioner-Oriented Articles

Howe, L.C., Jachimowicz, J.M., & Menges, J.I. 2022. To Retain Employees, Support Their Passions Outside Work. Havard Business Review. DOI

Howe, L.C., Jachimowicz, J.M., & Menges, J.I. 2021. How leaders can create passion opportunities for their employees at work. Harvard Business Review, forthcoming.

Howe, L.C., Menges, J.I., & Monks, J. 2021. Leaders, don't be afraid to talk about your fears and anxieties. Harvard Business Review. DOI

Howe, L.C., Jachimowicz, J.M., & Menges, J.I. 2021. Your job doesn't have to be your passion. Harvard Business Review. DOI

Howe, L.C., Whillans, A., & Menges, J.I. 2020. How to (actually) save time when you're working remotely. Harvard Business Review. DOI

Ivcevic, Z., Menges, J.I., & Miller, A. 2020. Howe common is unethical behavior in U.S. organizations? Harvard Business Review. DOI

Faas, A., Menges, J.I. & De Schutter, L. 2018. Stealing, lying, cheating, bullying - people miserable at work do unethical things. The Hill. DOI

Gino, F., Staats, B., & Jachimowicz, J. M., Lee, J. J., Menges, J. I. 2017. Reclaim your commute. Getting to and from work doesn’t have to be soul crushing. Harvard Business Review, May-June issue. DOI

Bruch, H. & Menges, J. I. 2010. The acceleration trap. Harvard Business Review, April: 80-86. DOI Video


Bruch, H. & Menges, J. I. 2015. The acceleration trap. Harvard Business Review OnPoint, Spring: 34-39 (Reprint). 

Translated and published in Dutch, German, Japanese, and Spanish:

Bruch, H. & Menges, J. I. 2010. De acceleratieval. Management Executive. DOI

Bruch, H. & Menges, J. I. 2010. Wege aus der Beschleunigungsfalle. Harvard Business Manager, Mai: 26-34. DOI 

Bruch, H. & Menges, J. I. 2010. 慢性的な過負荷からの脱却社員を追い詰める「加速の罠」 Harvard Business Review, 35(12), 76-87. DOI

Bruch, H. & Menges, J. I. 2010. La trampa de la aceleración. Harvard Business Review, 88(3), 76-85.



Menges, J. I. 2015. Leadership. New York: Open Professional School. 

Menges, J. I. 2009. Organizational-level affect: Antecedents, boundary conditions, and con-sequences of emotional climates and competencies. Bamberg: Difo-Druck GmbH.


Book Chapters

Menges, J. I. 2017. Charisma. In F.M. Moghaddam (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior, Volume 1: 81-84. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Request Paper

Walter, F., Vogel, B. & Menges, J. I. 2013. A theoretical examination of mixed group mood: The construct and its performance consequences. In W. J. Zerbe, C. E. J. Härtel, & N. M. Ashkanasy (Eds.), Research on Emotions in Organizations, Volume 9: 119-152. Bingley: Emerald.  Request Paper

Menges, J. I. 2012. Organizational emotional intelligence: Theoretical foundations and practical implications. In C. E. J. Härtel, W. J. Zerbe, & N. M. Ashkanasy (Eds.), Research on Emotions in Organizations, Volume 8: 355-373. Bingley: Emerald.  Request Paper

Menges, J. I., & Bruch, H. 2009. Organizational emotional intelligence and performance: An empirical study. In C. E. J. Härtel, W. J. Zerbe, & N. M. Ashkanasy (Eds.), Research on Emotions in Organizations, Volume 5: 181-209. Bingley: Emerald. Winner of Outstanding Author Contribution Award. Request Paper


Refereed Proceedings

Howe, L.C., Hentrup, L.J., & Menges, J.I. 2021. The Future of Work: Mental Representations of a Changing World of Work. Best Papers Proceedings of the Eighty First Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Hentrup, L.J., Bastardoz, N., & Menges, J.I. 2019. Who is seen as a charismatic leader? The role of environmental features in charisma attributions. Best Papers Proceedings of the Seventy Ninth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Jachimowicz, J. M., Menges, J. I., Wrzesniewski, A. 2016. Passion: Buzzword or theoretical construct? Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings

Wihler, A., Momm, T., Liu, Y., Menges, J. I., & Blickle, G. 2014. Linking emotion recognition and income: An examination of the interpersonal mechanisms. Best Papers Proceedings of the Seventy Fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Brands, R., & Menges, J. I. 2013. Holding out for a hero? Team social network structures affect attributions of charismatic leadership to men and women. Best Papers Proceedings of the Seventy Third Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Menges, J. I., Walter, F., Vogel, B., & Bruch, H. 2008. Mechanisms and boundary conditions for performance effects of transformational leadership climate. Best Papers Proceedings of the Sixty Eighth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Menges, J. I., Fiedler, K., Spataro, S., & Salovey, P. 2008. Emotional intelligence and persuasiveness. International Journal of Psychology, 43: 54.



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Weiterführende Informationen


Journal of Applied Psychology

Landis, B., Fisher, C.M., Menges, J.I. 2022. How employees react to unsolicited and solicited advice in the workplace: Implications for using advice, learning, and performance. Journal of Applied PsychologyPDF (PDF, 331 KB)


Organization Science

Jachimovicz, J.M., Lee, J., Staats. B., Gino, F., & Menges, J.I. 2021. Between home and work: Commuting as an opportunity for role transitions. Organization ScienceDOI PDF  (PDF, 580 KB)


Academy of Management Journal

Menges, J. I., Tussing, D., Wihler, A. & Grant, A. 2017. When job performance is all relative: How family motivation energizes effort and compensates for intrinsic motivation. Academy of Management Journal, 60:695-719.>DOI >PDF


Academy of Management Annals

Menges, J. I. & Kilduff, M. 2015. Group emotions: Cutting the Gordian knots concerning terms, levels-of-analysis, and mechanisms. Academy of Management Annals, 9:1, 845-928. >DOI >PDF