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Department of Business Administration International Management

New Paper by Prof Keil on organizational experience accepted at Academy of Management Annals

New Paper by Prof Keil on organizational experience accepted at Academy of Management Annals

The paper provides a review of the research on the impact of organizational experience on subsequent task performance. While organizational experience is generally expected to have a positive effect on subsequent performance, research over the past two decades has recognized a large number of circumstances in which the performance effects of experience are less clear or even negative. In this paper co-authored with Professor Markku Maula from Aalto University, Finland, and Koen Heimeriks, from Warwick Business School, we develop a contingency framework on how the applicability, accessibility, and adoption of experiential knowledge jointly moderate the commonly assumed positive effect of organizational experience on performance in a focal task. Based on our integrative contingency framework, we identify important gaps in our understanding of these boundary conditions and develop a research agenda to expand our understanding of organizational experience effects on organizational performance.